Taxpayers Federation releases road map to scaling back Alberta's government spending

Author: Franco Terrazzano 2019/02/15

CALGARY, AB: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on all Alberta political parties to commit to balancing the books and begin repaying the debt by reducing spending. To help parties identify where spending should be cut, the Taxpayers Federation released its 2019 pre-budget submission titled “Alberta’s Road Map to Scaling Back Government.”

“Albertans need to elect politicians that will get our finances back on the right track and commit to the same fiscal discipline that helped grow our province,” said Franco Terrazzano, Alberta Director for the CTF. “If politicians want to get the province’s fiscal house in order, they’ll need to do more than offer simple platitudes about finding efficiencies, growing the economy and holding the line on spending. Politicians need to commit to making real cuts.”

Between 2004 and 2015 the Alberta government’s program spending increased by 100 per cent. For the years 2015, 2016 and 2017, the Alberta government’s operating spending growth outpaced increases in inflation and population. Even with half a million fewer people than B.C., the Alberta government’s 2018 budget spending is billions of dollars larger. The Alberta government’s debt is now growing by over $1 million every hour.

The CTF recommends the Alberta government begin reducing the burdens it has placed on taxpayers by:

  • Scaling back total government employee compensation and job growth;
  • Reforming the health-care system to allow for a greater number of private options;
  • Committing to an economic development strategy that doesn’t include corporate welfare;
  • Ending energy diversification and energy efficiency handouts; and,
  • Postponing non-essential capital projects.

“We’ve been hammered with more taxes and a growing debt bill because Alberta politicians have been unwilling to tighten their belts,” said Terrazzano. “After years of runaway spending, not only are cuts needed, they are warranted.”

The CTF’s 2019 pre-budget submission, “Alberta’s Road Map to Scaling Back Government,” can be found here.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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